Sunday, May 22, 2011

Toothless Social Media Reps Update (Pt. 1): The Good Guys!

A month or so ago, after a particularly irksome stay at the Luxor hotel in Las Vegas, I declared the era of toothless social media reps "over". How successful that declaration will prove to be, it's too early to tell - but what is clear is that I was far from the only person to be frustrated by brands not living up to their implicit or explicit social media promises. The stories of good and bad Twitter service continue to arrive in my inbox - I've had just over 100 now - but more than enough time has passed for the first of two promised updates. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the vast majority of stories fell on the negative side of the fence but, just to demonstrate that not everyone sucks, let's start with the happy endings. So to speak.


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