Thursday, August 4, 2011

BPI Using Newzbin2 Ruling To Seek Much Broader Censorship Of Sites It Doesn't Like In The UK

md1500 points us to news that will surprise absolutely no one. Apparently BPI (the UK version of the RIAA) is using the Newzbin2 ruling to seek broad censorship over a variety of websites it doesn't like:
The first likely step, which could be just days away, will be to ask ISPs to block some of the biggest illegal websites. It is not known yet which sites – and, therefore, which ISPs will be targeted. If ISPs do not block these sites voluntarily, the BPI will ratchet up the pressure and will seek court orders – citing 97A and the MPA case – requiring them to do so.
And this is what censorship begets: more censorship. It's especially troubling when it comes from the entertainment industry -- an industry who has a history of declaring all sorts of useful tools and services -- the player piano, the radio, cable tv, the photocopier, the vcr, the dvr, the mp3 player, online video, etc. -- as infringing, because of their own unwillingness to adapt.

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