Friday, August 5, 2011

Coast Guard Day Shortbread

Eight is Enough

  1. Mac Rumors: Apple to begin merging iOS and OS X with quad-core A6 chip next year?
  2. Report: Thousands of references to MinWin are in Windows 8
    (and why that may matter) - All About Microsoft
  3. OSnews reports Linus Torvalds not a fan of GNOME 3
  4. The Official Google Blog: When patents attack Android
  5. X-bit labs: Intel describes first generation of Ultrabooks and
    AMD shows off Opteron "Interlagos" again: no performance
    benchmarks, no design wins, no launch date announced
  6. DigiTimes: Ultrabook may suffer defeat if not less
    expensive than MacBook Air, say Taiwan makers
  7. Computerworld reports eBay attacks virtualization with 100TB of SSD storage
  8. Ars Technica: Developer calls accurate Borderlands 2 report "shoddy journalism"



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