Saturday, July 23, 2011

Gillmor Gang 7.23.11 (TCTV)

The Gillmor Gang ? Robert Scoble, Andrew Keen, Kevin Marks, and Steve Gillmor ? convened for yet another G+ conversation. This one, however, was noted for its evenhandedness as @ajkeen and @scobleizer traded social blows over the new Google service. As someone in the Friendfeed chat on the livecast noted, @stevegillmor seems surprisingly positive about the new service. As Keen observed, that's because I think the new service is Friendfeed revisited.

Of course, it is. But it's also Twitter without the 140 character limit, Facebook without the unseen authority algorithm, and the Gillmor Gang without a human director (Hangouts). @kevinmarks says it a little differently, seeing G+ growth gaining on Club Penguin. And that's the fundamental reason Google has a winner, by underlining the best parts of each of these services and floating all boats on a rising tide.


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