Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The death and resurrected life of Delicious

When Web 2.0 broke out in the mid noughties, Deli.cio.us was one of the main services pointed to as part of the New Wave. Now it has been resurrected. What is more interesting is who the the owners are - Liz Gannes on alt.hings.D

New owners Chad Hurley and Steve Chen (a.k.a. the creators of YouTube) have ported Delicious over from previous owner Yahoo, and are ready to show their first revision to the public.

Expectations aren?t terrifically high for the new Delicious, given the rareness of tech comeback stories and the fact that Delicious was never really that popular. But we can?t help but watch, given Hurley and Chen?s magic touch at YouTube.

As Liz says, this was not eventually a major part of the Web 2.0 movement (though it has its own dedicated following) and was bought by Yahoo, who essentially strangled it before selling it on for a song.

Far be it for us to suggest that this goose is being fattened up for the Bubbletime....and postulate how many other defunct mid-noughties brands will become Laz.ar.Us brands.... :-)

Source: http://broadstuff.com/archives/2565-The-death-and-resurrected-life-of-Delicious.html

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