Monday, September 26, 2011

Free Startup Tools: How Does Your Term Sheet Compare To The Standards?

Term Sheet Gavel_thumb[3]At some point in the game, every entrepreneur and startup founder becomes familiar with the term sheet. But "familiarity" can be a tricky qualifier. Even by one's third startup, entrepreneurs are not always fully aware of the ins and outs of every term on a term sheet, or how to properly value their company. Just ask GRP Partner Mark Suster. What's more, there's the legalese and the anxiety that VCs might sneak in some tricky terms -- which all work towards making the process a confusing pain in the ass. No one wants to get duped, and entrepreneurs are always looking for better ways to compare term sheets with others in the space to get a sense of how founder-friendly terms are, what language should be agreed to, which should be negotiated, etc.


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