Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"If it ain't broke, break it": Inferno environment ported to Android

Back in the day, the researchers at Bell labs developed an experimental network operating system called Plan 9. Although it had some highly compelling technical characteristics—including a sophisticated network-transparent interprocess communication mechanism—the platform never gained serious acceptance outside of research and academic circles.

Plan 9's spiritual successor, a platform called Inferno, is still actively developed by an embedded systems company called Vita Nuova, with the involvement of hobbyists and researchers. A group at Sandia National Laboratories recently developed a port of Inferno that runs on top of Google's Android mobile operating system.

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Source: http://feeds.arstechnica.com/~r/arstechnica/index/~3/yzz7qTnUgTE/if-it-aint-broke-break-it-inferno-environment-ported-to-android.ars

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